Students in the Gender Justice Clinic examine and engage in local, national, and global efforts to combat gender-based violence and discrimination. Students work in teams under faculty supervision on cases and projects that address a variety of issues relating to gender justice, including domestic violence, sexual assault, obstetric violence, gender-based discrimination at work, child and forced marriage, and violence and discrimination against people who are transgender and incarcerated, work in the sex industry, or are trafficking survivors. Clinic members provide legal advice and representation to individuals, engage with regional and international human rights bodies, draft or analyze proposed legislation or policy documents, conduct fact-finding and reporting, or contribute to legal trainings and community education initiatives. Recent clinic projects have included representing a client who was terminated from her job because of a pregnancy-related disability, representing a client who fled from her home country because of domestic violence in her application for asylum, representing survivors of military sexual assault in a petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, developing legal resources for pro se litigants who are transgender and incarcerated, drafting and successfully advocating for the adoption of local government resolutions recognizing freedom from domestic violence as a human right, representing survivors of obstetric violence in their efforts to seek redress, preparing a submission to the United Nations experts on gender rights in Kashmir, and developing a handbook on anti-gender-based-violence laws for judges and prosecutors in Zambia. Class sessions offer an overview of substantive gender rights issues, help students integrate the theory and practice of gender justice advocacy, and provide training in critical lawyering skills. Students who wish to apply to the clinic should pre-register and also submit a CV, unofficial transcript, and statement of interest (no more than 2 pages) to Prof. Brundige by the end of the pre-registration period. Please also contact Prof. Brundige if you have any questions about the course.