The Women’s Decarceration Practicum II (advanced) will give WDP I students the opportunity to continue and deepen their work with incarcerated women in the following contexts: (1) effective research, writing, and mitigation investigation for post-conviction relief efforts (clemency, parole, and/or 18 U.S.C. 3582(c)); (2) prison and reentry lawyering for incarcerated and recently released women’s biopsychosocial health; and (3) policy briefing and testimony preparation for legislative education opportunities. This course will build on the foundational law and procedure from the fall semester, and will go further to examining nuance in federal sentencing, advocacy for New York state parole reform, and will consider alternative statutory relief mechanisms such as compassionate release for elderly and ill prisoners. Notes: This course may require off premises travel. Students will be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses.