Jonel Beauvais is a Wolf Clan, Mohawk woman, proud mother of three children and chosen auntie, sister and friend to many. Jonel spent five years with the Seven Dancers Coalition, as Community Outreach, located in her home territory in Akwesasne. The Coalition seeks to educate Tribal communities and service providers through trainings and presentations on sexual assault, domestic violence, campus safety, teen dating, sex trafficking and stalking. She was a recipient of the 2020 Visionary Voice Award. In 2022, she received an award from the Women’s Institute for Leadership and Learning for her dedication to raising the voice of women through personal accountability.
Jonel works diligently to empower and induce healing within all Native/Indigenous communities in order to prosper in the Haudenosaunee teachings of good medicine and good minds. She is a member of the Section 84 parole board of Akwesasne and the New Kanikonriio Council, a restorative justice initiative that integrates Indigenous ways of mediation to reduce incarceration and provide more interpersonal means of healing for all parties. Inspired by her own carceral experience and the undeniable need for representation and support for those directly and indirectly impacted by the criminal system in Native communities, Jonel has founded a ‘Tiny Home Project.”