Student interns help plan future of 4-H camp
By Jackie Swift
Student interns, from left, Russell Kwong, Sherla Zhagnay and Chet Lukanic speak with Sage Gerling, CCE Ontario County board member and associate director for business operations at the Cornell Agritech.
Student interns, from left, Russell Kwong, Sherla Zhagnay and Chet Lukanic speak with Sage Gerling, CCE Ontario County board member and associate director for business operations at the Cornell Agritech.

Thirty years ago, Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Ontario County received a gift of 85 acres of land to be used for its 4-H Camp Bristol Hills in Canandaigua, New York. Today the land is partially developed, but CCE and 4-H Camp leaders have long wanted to develop it further to benefit as many people as possible.

Three undergraduates majoring in urban and regional planning have helped make that vision a reality, through the CCE Summer Internship Program, a program supported by the Einhorn Center.

“We created a land-use plan for how best to develop the property so it can serve the needs and wants of both the community and the 4-H camp,” said Eliza Blood, M.R.P. ’24, a master of regional planning student and the project manager working with the undergraduate interns.

Read the full story in the Cornell Chronicle.